Discover your purpose and practically apply it through the 67 human universals to simply enjoy the simple gifts of life like breath and the taste of water, or to earn a living through your natural endowments and talents.
Ikigai is a Japanese concept that means "reason for being." It combines what you love, what you're good at, what the world needs, and what you can be paid for, to give you a well rounded sense of purpose in life.
These are traits, behaviors, and cultural features shared by all human societies. They help us understand what makes us uniquely human. In this fast paced world with AI changing how we view ourselves as humans, there's a deeper search for our identity and whats trully meaningful to us.
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Explore these hand-picked resources to further your journey. (Affiliate links)
Discover the secrets of Ikigai with this bestselling book. Perfect for anyone seeking purpose and fulfillment.
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